US-China and AI’s future
BEYOND CHATBOTS: HOW THE US-CHINA RACE WILL DEFINE AI'S FUTURE - Please join the Global Tech Security Commission (GTSC) – a joint partnership between the Atlantic Council’s Global China Hub and Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue – and the GeoTech Center for a virtual panel discussion on the ongoing competition between the US and China to drive AI technology and governance structures.
The AI tech race has evolved in recent years as Washington has launched collaborative initiatives among government, military, and tech-industry actors and sought to advance legislation to maintain a competitive edge against Beijing. For now, US tech firms still maintain a strong lead in AI development and investment relative to Chinese companies but this gap is beginning to close. China is already ahead of the United States in AI adoption, and it has a large and growing community of high-quality AI experts.
Beyond competing with China for supremacy in the technological space in AI, the United States and its partners must also lead in the development of global norms and values governing AI use. In particular, they must grapple with Beijing’s use of AI to stifle domestic political dissent or further control marginalized groups within China or its efforts to export Chinese AI technologies and practices to autocratic regimes around the world.
Up Next in China
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The future of global tech security
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