Building trust with allies through tech diplomacy
BUILDING TRUST WITH ALLIES THROUGH TECH DIPLOMACY - The Atlantic Council hosted a special one-on-one discussion on leveraging tech diplomacy to build trust among allies. This event, hosted by the Atlantic Council’s Global China Hub, featured Keith Krach, chairman and co-founder of the Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue, and Kurt Campbell, coordinator for Indo-Pacific affairs on the US National Security Council.
Up Next in China
Future of NATO C4ISR
REPORT LAUNCH: THE FUTURE OF NATO C4ISR - C4ISR, which stands for Command and Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, is referred to as the nervous system of the military and is crucial to any mission. As the war in Ukraine has shown, the relevance of su...
Assessing Risks to Hong Kong’s Busine...
FRACTURED FOUNDATIONS: ASSESSING RISKS TO HONG KONG’S BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT - Hong Kong’s legal and political structure has fundamentally changed since the implementation of the National Security Law in 2020. When changes of this magnitude occur, it is difficult for anyone to know what shifts are ...
Troubling trends: China Pathfinder 20...
TROUBLING TRENDS: CHINA PATHFINDER 2022 LAUNCH - China Pathfinder is an interactive analysis of the Chinese economic system designed to answer a complex question: where does China’s system stand relative to open market economies?
Over 2022, teams from Rhodium Group and the Atlantic Council hav...