Will Montenegro form a new government?
WILL MONTENEGRO FORM A NEW GOVERNMENT? A DEBRIEF WITH PETAR POPOVIC - Following snap parliamentary elections on June 11th, Montenegro finds itself in a new phase of political uncertainty. The Europe Now Movement (PES) won a plurality of the vote but failed to secure enough seats to form a government. More alarmingly, voter turnout hit a historic low of 56.4 percent due in part to election fatigue and a lack of political change. Now more than ever, the country needs consensus if it is to continue necessary reforms on its path to EU membership.
Nonresident Senior Fellow Ilva Tare discusses the post-election political landscape in Montenegro with Petar Popovic, associate professor at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb.
Will these elections bring the political stability Montenegro requires? Who are potential allies for leading contender PES to form a governing coalition? What factors depressed voter turnout? Finally, what lies in store for former President Djukanovic after dominating Montenegrin political life for over three decades?
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