Will Kosovo and Serbia make the necessary concessions for normalization?
WILL KOSOVO AND SERBIA MAKE THE NECESSARY CONCESSIONS FOR NORMALIZATION? A DEBRIEF WITH SEN. CHRIS MURPHY - After the recent escalation of tensions in northern Kosovo, Senator Chris Murphy played a crucial role in urging for de-escalation between Kosovo and Serbia. Thanks to broad bipartisan support in the US Senate, both Serbia and Kosovo were called upon to address the fragile security situation in the north and resume the normalization dialogue facilitated by the EU and supported by the United States.
Nonresident Senior Fellow Ilva Tare speaks to Senator Murphy about his recent trip to the region, the messages he delivered to the leaders in Pristina and Belgrade, and the concessions that Kosovo and Serbia should make in order to progress on their respective paths
How does he view Kosovo's concerns about an unbalanced response by the US and the EU, placing the main responsibility on Kosovo for the crisis in the north? What role could the Association of the Serb Majority Municipalities play in achieving a meaningful resolution? How do the protests in Belgrade and the recent reports on his connections with organized hooligans affect the credibility of Serbia's President Vučić?
Up Next in #BalkansDebrief
What’s behind the escalation in Kosovo?
WHAT’S BEHIND THE ESCALATION IN KOSOVO? A DEBRIEF WITH JOVANA RADOSAVLJEVIC AND AGON MALIQI - Violent protests in the north of Kosovo have escalated the situation, leaving 50 KFOR troops wounded when newly elected Albanian mayors entered the municipality buildings in areas with a Serbian majority...
What challenges face ASM?
WHAT CHALLENGES FACE ASM? | A DEBRIEF WITH MIODRAG MARINKOVIC AND NAIM RASHITI - For the first time since the beginning of the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, discussions in Brussels are currently underway as Belgrade and Pristina negotiate the content of draft statute which will create the l...
Exploring Kosovo-Serbia Agreement Cha...
A DEBRIEF WITH JOVANA RADOSAVLJEVIC AND VISAR YMERI - Mediated by the European Union and supported by the United States, the Ohrid summit between Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić is a historic opportunity to resolve a long-standing dispute between Serbia an...