Official opening: Keynote ministerial remarks
8th annual Central and Eastern European Energy Security Conference
OFFICIAL OPENING: KEYNOTE MINISTERIAL REMARKS - The Atlantic Council Global Energy Center hosted the 8th annual Central and Eastern European Energy Security Conference on June 15, 2023, at the Atlantic Council’s headquarters in Washington, DC.
In this second year of Russia’s brutal assault on Ukraine, the conference holds particular significance. The discussions will focus on key areas for transatlantic cooperation on energy supply security ahead of a pivotal winter, long-term decarbonization efforts, and support for Ukraine’s energy sector.
The eighth edition of the conference brought together US and regional policymakers, private sector stakeholders, and experts to explore these issues in depth. Participants will discuss how Central and Eastern Europe can advance energy security by diversifying imports, investing in critical energy infrastructure, accelerating the commercialization of decarbonized technologies, building resilient clean energy supply chains, integrating Ukraine into the regional energy system, and identifying opportunities for transatlantic cooperation on these efforts. It was held in cooperation with the Visegrád Group.
Up Next in 8th annual Central and Eastern European Energy Security Conference
Fireside chat with Slovak Economy Min...
FIRESIDE CHAT - H.E. Peter Dovhun, Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic speaks to Amb. Richard L. Morningstar, Founding Chairman of the Global Energy Center at the Atlantic Council.
Fireside chat with Amos Hochstein
FIRESIDE CHAT: AMOS HOCHSTEIN - Amos Hochstein, Senior Advisor to the President for Energy and Investment at the White House, speaks to Olga Khakova, Deputy Director of European Energy Security at the Atlantic Council's Global Energy Center.
This serves as an introduction to the panel discussion...
Europe without Russian gas: A lasting...
EUROPE WITHOUT RUSSIAN GAS: A LASTING LEGACY OF THE WAR - Gas is a weapon in Russia’s war against Ukraine, used by the Kremlin to threaten Ukraine’s supporters in Europe while also raising revenue for its war machine. Europe and its allies have worked swiftly to reorient the continent’s energy sy...