360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - MISSED INFORMATION: GAPS IN ONLINE RESEARCH - By definition, open-source research is only as good as the sources of information that are openly available. But that has become more complicated than ever: Platforms are reducing what is accessible through API access and search capabilities; bad actors are moving their operations from public online forums to messaging apps and less accessible online communities; and entire countries are going offline as governments block social media access to prevent the public from sharing what’s happening on the ground. Is it possible for open-source researchers to overcome this challenge, or do we have to start approaching our research differently—and at what potential cost?
Up Next in 360/Open Summit 2021: The World in Motion
Panel | Catch 'em if you can: Digital...
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - CATCH 'EM IF YOU CAN: DIGITAL SHERLOCKS GEOLOCATION TRAINING - The world is changing in profound ways. The last year and a half accelerated long-running trends shaking up institutions, shifting power, and placing all of us in the middle of a global re-orderi...
Lightning talk | Weaponized: The COVI...
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - WEAPONIZED: THE COVID-19 NARRATIVE ARMS RACE - COVID-19 is not only one of the deadliest pandemics in modern history, but also a dominating flashpoint in the global competition for information among nations, with competing narratives reflective of competing ...
Panel | Geopolitics of the COVID-19 “...
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - GEOPOLITICS OF THE COVID-19 “INFODEMIC” - The world is changing in profound ways. The last year and a half accelerated long-running trends shaking up institutions, shifting power, and placing all of us in the middle of a global re-ordering. This year's 360/O...