360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - GEOPOLITICS OF THE COVID-19 “INFODEMIC” - The world is changing in profound ways. The last year and a half accelerated long-running trends shaking up institutions, shifting power, and placing all of us in the middle of a global re-ordering. This year's 360/OS will take us through the events of the past year, shed light on the digital trends and dynamics driving societal changes, and convene conversations on how to shape the world moving forward. Welcome to "The World in Motion."
Up Next in 360/Open Summit 2021: The World in Motion
360/Open Summit | Day 1 Closing Remarks
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - DAY 1 CLOSING REMARKS - Closing remarks from the first day of the fourth 360/Open Summit. For this year’s 360/OS: The World in Motion, the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) brought together a team of experts across six continents with...
Connected but unequal: The impact of ...
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - CONNECTED BUT UNEQUAL: THE IMPACT AND INEQUITY OF GLOBAL PLATFORMS IN LOCAL ENVIRONMENTS - The world is changing in profound ways. The last year and a half accelerated long-running trends shaking up institutions, shifting power, and placing all of us in the ...
Lightning talk | Chinese conceptions ...
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - CHINESE CONCEPTIONS OF DISCOURSE POWER - One of China’s main goals in the global information space is to increase its international discourse power (huayuquan, 话语权). Discourse power is a term that describes the degree to which a country’s rhetoric is authori...