360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS—POTENTIAL AND LIMITATIONS - Over the last half decade, there has been massive growth in the prevalence of counter-disinformation efforts across civil society, academia, government, and the private sector. This development has been accompanied by a wide range of technical solutions to address the challenge, including utilization of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and a variety of proprietary algorithms. With the constant search for automated solutions, it is important to consider the realistic application of such approaches, where they can have the most impact, and where they are limited.
Up Next in 360/Open Summit 2021: The World in Motion
Panel | Comparative approaches to glo...
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - COMPARATIVE APPROACHES TO GLOBAL TECH REGULATION - As the era of light to little tech regulation ends, different countries around the world are enacting wildly different approaches to how data should be protected, what the rules should be for online intermed...
Lightning talk | Child protection and...
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - CHILD PROTECTION AND DIGITAL RIGHTS - The good governance of children’s data raises issues beyond data protection, including the validity of applying concepts such as informed consent to children, use of children’s data for marketing purposes and surveillanc...
Lightning talk | How do we know what ...
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT WE KNOW? THE CRISIS IN XINJIANG - What is the evidentiary basis for knowledge of the ongoing human rights crisis in Xinjiang? What methods can we employ to conduct rigorous analysis even as the Chinese government tries to prevent us from ...