2024 Transatlantic Forum on GeoEconomics
The Atlantic Council GeoEconomics Center and Atlantik-Brücke hosted the Transatlantic Forum on GeoEconomics: Next Frontiers in Finance, Technology, and Energy on September 26, 2024.
Senior government and private sector officials gathered for impactful discussions on three highly interconnected sectors—finance, technology, and energy. This year’s conference was held in New York during the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) week, when the city hosts top political and financial decision-makers from around the world and executives from across the private sector.
2024 Transatlantic Forum on GeoEconomics: Opening Remarks
Sigmar Gabriel, Former Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister of Germany | Chairman, Atlantik-Brücke
Fred Kempe, President and Chief Executive Officer, Atlantic Council
Keynote remarks and discussion with U.S. Ambassador Nicholas Burns
Technology competition with China while enabling and protecting US and Western partners’ economic and national security interests has been a key pillar of US foreign policy for the Biden Administration. Ambassador Burns will share his perspectives on the current geoeconomic landscape based on his...
Spotlight conversation: Adena Friedman on navigating financial complexity
As the financial system grows increasingly complex, it’s essential for the public and private sectors to work together to address key issues. This discussion will delve into the importance of such partnerships in managing financial complexity and ensuring regulatory frameworks that safeguard the ...
Session I: The role of financial regulation in curbing illicit financial flows
The United States and European partners have issued financial regulatory reforms and set standards to strengthen anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism regimes and enhance efforts to combat illicit finance and financial crimes. Following remarks by US Treasury Acting Unde...
Session II: The roles and responsibilities of govt, industry, & financial sector
Western partners are leveraging economic statecraft tools such as export controls to protect sensitive technology from getting into the hands of adversaries. As a result, the financial sector and private sector are being asked to play a larger role in national security and specifically in complyi...
Session III: Technology regulation and the future of artificial intelligence
Transatlantic partners are considering tighter investment screening policies and regulations around sensitive technology and innovation including semiconductors, quantum information technologies, and certain AI systems to protect intellectual property and national security interests. This session...
Spotlight conversation: Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco
The prevalence of economic security in national security decisions is evolving and expanding. As a result, more traditional national security departments and agencies are playing a larger role in developing, implementing, and enforcing economic policies. DAG Monaco will discuss the DOJ’s role in ...
Session IV: Vulnerabilities &opportunities in the electric vehicles supply chain
Industrial policies are designed to safeguard national security and encourage economic growth among partners, especially in the energy transition domain and electric vehicles (EVs). Friendshoring, subsidies, investment screening, and sanctions are being considered or used to protect and shape tec...
Spotlight conversation: Daleep Singh
Economic Statecraft measures including sanctions and export controls have become a fixture in national security and foreign policy decisions. DNSA Singh will discuss his vision for a doctrine of economic statecraft to ensure the long-term credibility of these tools and strategic alignment among W...
Session V: Transatlantic strategy for enhancing critical mineral supply chain
TRANSATLANTIC STRATEGY FOR ENHANCING CRITICAL MINERAL SUPPLY CHAIN RESILIENCE - Energy transition is dependent on access to and investment in critical minerals and supply chains. Production and processing of critical minerals is highly concentrated in a handful of countries. For example, aluminum...
Session VI: Transatlantic strategy to enable stronger cyber resilience
SESSION VI: TRANSATLANTIC STRATEGY TO ENABLE STRONGER CYBER RESILIENCE WITHIN THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM - Cyber attacks, intrusions, and disruptions increasingly pose risks to the core of the global financial system, negatively impacting the financial system and real economy. Meanwhile technology inno...
Spotlight conversation: Mastercard Vice Chairman and President Jon Huntsman
The objective of this year’s forum is to increase transatlantic alignment between Western allies and the private sector in three highly interconnected sectors: finance, technology, and energy.
Session VII:The Geopolitics of Payments and the Role of the US Dollar
SESSION VII:THE GEOPOLITICS OF PAYMENTS AND THE ROLE OF THE US DOLLAR IN A CHANGING WORLD - The dollar remains the global reserve currency and primary currency for trade. However, in the past few years, increasing use of financial sanctions have pushed several countries towards the adoption of al...
2024 Transatlantic Forum on GeoEconomics closing remarks
Kim Donovan, Director, Economic Statecraft Initiative, Atlantic Council
Julia Friedlander, Chief Executive Officer, Atlantik-Brücke
Josh Lipsky, Senior Director, GeoEconomics Center, Atlantic Council