National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence
Technology & Innovation
A CONVERSATION WITH THE NATIONAL SECURITY COMMISSION ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: REALIZING A US STRATEGY FOR THE AI ERA - The Atlantic Council hosted a conversation on how the United States can and must reorient itself for a technology competition with near-peer competitors, including what steps should be taken to promote domestic artificial intelligence (AI) innovation and to ensure the US military maintains advantage in AI-enabled conflict. On April 29, 2021, the Council held a dynamic conversation on how the United States can implement the sweeping changes needed at the intersection of national security, innovation, and workforce development to retain its lead in the race for mastery of AI.
The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence’s (NSCAI) Final Report sets an ambitious goal for the United States to be “AI-Ready” by 2025. The Commission argues that the country must think beyond incremental moves and take large, transformational steps forward to compete with a determined and well-resourced China. Panelists delved deep into the report’s recommendations and explored key questions. What position does AI occupy within the broader geopolitical landscape? How is it impacting the nature of great power competition? What cultural and policy adjustments are needed in the Department of Defense to maintain the competitive advantage of the armed forces? How can the United States government support and promote AI innovation?
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