General CQ Brown, Jr. on how US forces are readying for new global threats
Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security
GENERAL CQ BROWN, JR. ON HOW US FORCES ARE READYING FOR NEW GLOBAL THREATS - Today, war in Ukraine, conflict in the Middle East, and brewing tensions in the Indo-Pacific—stemming from both China and North Korea—present challenges for the United States military’s ability to effectively meet the demands placed on it. In the coming years and decades, the United States’ enduring military advantage will only be tested further, when facing the challenge of technologically, economically, and militarily prevailing against two great-power rivals, China and Russia, and simultaneously dealing with other conflicts in an increasingly unstable geopolitical environment.
In this AC Front Page event, General Brown discusses how the United States is prioritizing efforts across the Joint Force to meet these challenges and ensuring military readiness and resiliency as other flashpoints crop up around the globe.