Effective jurisdictional approaches to forest conservation
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EFFECTIVE JURISDICTIONAL APPROACHES TO FOREST CONSERVATION - There is a growing consensus that there will be a rapid increase in forest-based carbon credit trading and that if done right, these credits would incentivize forest protection, decrease deforestation, and could lead to significant amounts of carbon sequestration. To date, these credits have been generated on a project-by-project basis, but this approach has been subject to extensive criticism, and it is questionable if these benefits would be achieved from project-based forest credit programs. In a recent Atlantic Council issue brief, The flaws in project-based carbon credit trading and the need for jurisdictional alternatives, the authors argue that a jurisdictional approach to generating credits would fix many of the flaws in a project-based approach and would increase the efficacy, integrity, and scale of efforts to conserve tropical forests using carbon credit trading.
During this event, experts discuss how to transition from project to jurisdictional based forest credits, what impact this would have on forest sequestration efforts, how this would increase the integrity of forest credit programs, and how best to structure jurisdictional agreements. Experts consider how effective forest conservation systems can help ensure the longevity, integrity, and reliability of nature-based projects.