Bolstering Taiwan’s resilience
Recent Live Events
A CROSS-STRAIT AND BEYOND SEMINAR: BOLSTERING TAIWAN’S RESILIENCE - Please join the Indo-Pacific Security Initiative (IPSI) of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security for a seminar on bolstering Taiwan’s resilience against PRC aggression.
This event is part of IPSI’s Cross-Strait and Beyond Seminar Series, which informs the public debate on key issues for Taiwan and the United States, held in partnership with the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO).
The concept of resilience has grown increasingly central in discussions of Taiwan’s security, against a backdrop of rising PRC gray zone activities targeting Taiwan and the looming threat of an invasion or blockade.
A recent Atlantic Council report, “Toward resilience: An action plan for Taiwan in the face of PRC aggression,” by Franklin D. Kramer, Philip W. Yu, Joseph Webster, and Elizabeth Sizeland, highlights the centrality of enhanced resilience for deterring and defeating PRC aggression against Taiwan.
During this virtual seminar, the authors of this report and a resilience expert from Taiwan discuss opportunities and pathways, as well as obstacles to overcome, for Taiwan to bolster its resilience across a range of sectors.