The future of US strategy toward Iran
Rafik Hariri Center and Middle East Programs
THE FUTURE OF US STRATEGY TOWARD IRAN: A BIPARTISAN ROADMAP FOR THE NEXT ADMINISTRATION - The first anniversary of Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack is a reminder of how the Islamic Republic of Iran continues to be a destabilizing force in the Middle East, having provided at least some of the funding, training, and weapons used for the operation. Through the empowerment of its proxies, advances in its nuclear program, a record of human rights abuses, and the use of hostages as a foreign policy tool, Iran aggressively asserts itself on the world stage, seeking to expand its influence and consolidate power.
For too long US foreign policy toward Iran has swung wildly depending on the administration, which has enabled Tehran to take advantage of the space offered by shifting policies to advance its regional malign influence and nuclear program. The next administration has an opportunity to break this cycle, which undermines US national security, and instead chart a clear actionable path forward to shape a more effective US foreign policy toward Tehran for the next four years, with a view toward the next two decades.
By adopting a bipartisan, comprehensive, and long-term strategy toward Iran, the next administration can curb Iran’s nuclear expansion and diminish its influence in the region, thereby safeguarding critical US interests, including the security and stability of its allies, as well as ensuring the free flow of energy and maritime commerce.