PACC 2030: Building climate resilient Caribbean economies
Latin America & Caribbean
SETTING THE PACC 2030 AGENDA: BUILDING CLIMATE RESILIENT CARIBBEAN ECONOMIES - Caribbean countries are prone to frequent climate-related disasters and are vulnerable to rapid changes in energy prices. Governments, business, and citizens alike are disproportionately affected, and needed resources and assistance have historically been hard to come by. To help the region overcome these challenges, US Vice President Kamala Harris announced the US-Caribbean Partnership to Address the Climate Crisis 2030 (also known as PACC 2030) to promote climate resilience and strengthen energy security. Much has been accomplished, but there is more to be done.
How can the United States continue working with Caribbean countries to strengthen climate resilience? What types of support and assistance can the United States and multilateral development banks provide to facilitate a realistic and affordable energy transition? How can US policymakers and business leaders better engage regional institutions and local communities to achieve PACC 2030’s objectives?