A conversation with Turkey's Finance Minister
IMF-World Bank Week 2023
A CONVERSATION WITH TURKEY'S FINANCE MINISTER - In our conversation with Turkey's Finance Minister, Mehmet Şimşek, we discuss geopolitics regarding Russia and the G20 and the depreciation of the lira.
Up Next in IMF-World Bank Week 2023
Inside the Marrakesh meetings with Ta...
INSIDE THE MARRAKESH MEETINGS WITH TAIMUR BAIG - Managing Director and Chief Economist of DBS Bank, Taimur Baig, brings us the inside scoop on the week's happenings in Marrakesh.
Public trust in digital infrastructure
PUBLIC TRUST IN DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE - This panel explores the role of ecosystem design, regulation, and technology in financial inclusion, as well as the role of multilateral institutions such as the IMF and World Bank in fostering the public/private and cross-jurisdictional collaboration nec...
IMF projects economic growth in Middl...
IMF PROJECTS ECONOMIC GROWTH IN MIDDLE EAST, NORTH AFRICA TO SLOW DOWN THIS YEAR - Join the Atlantic Council live in Marrakesh, Morocco, for a series of special events with finance ministers and central bank governors from around the globe during the 2023 Annual Meetings of the World Bank and Int...