Miftah Ismail, the Honorable Finance Minister of Pakistan
GeoEconomics Center
A CONVERSATION WITH THE HONORABLE FINANCE MINISTER OF PAKISTAN, MIFTAH ISMAIL - There has been a flurry of political activity in Pakistan in April 2022 culminating in the vote of no-confidence that ousted Imran Khan from power and brought in a new government and cabinet. During this period, the challenges to Pakistan’s economic outlook have increased.
To offer insights into these issues amid pandemic-related economic woes and global supply chain shocks, recently appointed Finance Minister H.E Dr. Miftah Ismail offered perspectives into the new government’s plan in approaching issues facing Pakistan’s economy, as well as opportunities for economic growth and collaboration.
The Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center and GeoEconomics Center hosted this virtual conversation on the new government’s strategy in addressing economic challenges and Pakistan’s geoeconomic vision on Friday, April 22.
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