Daniel Yergin on the forces that are shaping the world energy outlook
Energy, Climate, & Resilience
The global energy outlook has long been characterized by complex, multifaceted, and hard-to-predict patterns. But now, more than ever, uncertainty clouds short-to-medium-term forecasts. Alongside ongoing conflicts in Europe and the Middle East, geopolitical competition for the commanding heights of energy supply chains has intensified. Moreover, this past year, countries representing half of the global energy demand held elections, during which high fuel and electricity prices, as well as floods and heatwaves, featured prominently.
Amid increasing geopolitical uncertainties, shifting energy trade patterns, worsening climate change impacts, and an advancing clean energy transition, the energy landscape is rapidly evolving. As countries, particularly those in developing economies, look to meet rising energy demands, navigating these enduring forces will be crucial to meeting energy security challenges and ensuring access to affordable and reliable energy supplies.
In this conversation, moderated by Global Energy Center Senior Director Landon Derentz, Yergin will look at the dynamic year ahead for the global energy landscape and discuss what enduring lessons can be learned from his book The Prize.
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