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  • What are the political developments in Bucharest?

    In a bold response to a Russian disinformation campaign, Romania's Constitutional Court annulled the first round of its presidential elections and scheduled a redo. What are the implications for trust in Romania's political institutions? How will this affect ongoing coalition talks with pro-Europ...

  • What did the DNC mean for Europe?

    What did the DNC mean for Europe? What can we expect from a potential Harris presidency when it comes to transatlantic relations? Would a Harris administration take a similar Atlanticist approach to US foreign policy as the Biden administration? And in what ways would a Harris administration be d...

  • What is Germany’s approach to climate policy"

    Climate change cost estimates by 2049 will be close to $40 trillion per year for countries such as Germany and the United States. How is Germany managing both the scale of the climate problem and related economic costs? What is the German government doing to get citizens onboard to support climat...

  • What is Poland's role in Euro-Atlantic security?

    What are Poland's hopes for the Washington NATO Summit as it celebrates its 75 anniversary? How unified are NATO allies ahead of the Summit? What is Poland's role in European security and the transatlantic relationship? Is the geopolitical center of Europe shifting East towards Poland?

    On this ...

  • What are the biggest takeaways from the French election?

    On July 7, French voters headed to the polls in the second round of the French elections. The results showed the left and green party alliance winning the most votes, Macron's Ensemble Party coming in second, and Le Pen's far-right National Rally coming in a surprise third. No election contender ...

  • What can we expect from the UK elections?

    On July 4, Britons head to the polls to elect a new parliament. If the polls are correct, this election could bring an end to 14 consecutive years of Conservative Party rule. The Labour Party is expected to win big, and the Liberal Democrats and Green Party are expected to make electoral gains.

  • What happened in the first round of the French snap elections?

    What are the key takeaways from the first round of the French parliamentary elections? Why was voter turnout so high? Will the left and center blocs be able to form tactical alliances in the upcoming runoff elections? What are the implications of a hung Parliament for France’s foreign policy agen...

  • What's behind President Macron's snap election decision?

    WHAT'S BEHIND PRESIDENT MACRON'S SNAP ELECTION DECISION? | A DEBRIEF FROM AMB. GÉRARD ARAUD - What prompted President Macron’s decision to resolve parliament and initiate snap elections? Would a cohabitation with a far-right Prime Minister be a likely scenario? How might the potential political c...

  • How does Europe play into the US election?| A Debrief from Daniel Vajdich

    Are we witnessing a deepening confluence of domestic campaign and foreign policy messaging on both sides of the aisle in the United States? How do transatlantic relations play into these different factions within the Republican party that might be divided on US foreign policy? Have European insti...

  • How does China's economic trends impact Europe? | A Debrief from Niels Graham

    What are China’s economic trends and how do they impact Europe and the United States? Can Europe convince China to stop dumping cheaper exports onto the European market? What was the outcome of the recent EU-China summit? Is the window for action for the EU closing? When it comes to the green tra...

  • What does the UK's Online Safety Bill achieve?

    WHAT DOES THE UK'S ONLINE SAFETY BILL ACHIEVE? | A DEBRIEF FROM RICHARD ALLEN - The UK's Online Safety Bill was approved by the UK Parliament on Tuesday—a landmark piece of legislation in the UK’s digital and tech policymaking post-Brexit. Who is impacted by the legislation, and does it cover the...

  • What’s the relationship between politics and identity in Europe?

    WHAT’S THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POLITICS AND IDENTITY IN EUROPE? | A DEBRIEF FROM HANS KUNDNANI - What’s the best way to think about European identity and the EU? How do concepts of civic and ethnic nationalism play out in Europe today? As far-right parties increasingly reject Euroscepticism, how...

  • What's Europe's strategy for economic security? | A Debrief from Tobias Gehrke

    #ATLANTICDEBRIEF - What is the European Economic Security Strategy and what are its key priorities? Where does the EU and United States align and converge when it comes to approaches to “de-risking”? Is Europe’s economic relationship with China starting to shift?

    On this episode of #AtlanticDe...

  • Where is Europe headed politically?

    A DEBRIEF FROM JOHN HENLEY — To what extent are we witnessing the rise of the far-right in Europe? What is driving European voters to support far-right candidates? As we gear up for the European Parliament elections next year, what do these political shifts mean for the European project as a whol...

  • What's the outcome of Spain's snap election?

    A DEBRIEF FROM MANUEL MUÑIZ - What do the results of Spain's snap general election, or lack thereof, mean for Spanish politics and Spain’s EU Council presidency? What explains the performance of Spain’s main political parties and the discrepancy in pre-election polls? Are the results of the elect...

  • What's the role of the ITU?

    WHAT'S THE ROLE OF THE ITU? | A DEBRIEF FROM DOREEN BOGDAN-MARTIN - What is the role of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and why is it important? What are the ITU's priorities on key issues relating to critical and emerging technologies? How does the ITU engage multi-stakeholder pa...

  • What’s the significance of the EU’s AI Act?

    A DEBRIEF FROM BRANDO BENIFEI MEP - What’s behind the EU’s push to regulate AI? What will the legislation require of companies who develop AI systems? With the trialogues underway, what are some of the key issues that will dominate inter-institutional negotiations? How did the introduction of Cha...

  • What were the main takeaways from the EUCO summit?

    A DEBRIEF FROM DAVE KEATING - What were the main outcomes from the recent European Council summit? Why are European Council summits important? How did EU leaders come together to address the latest European issues from Russia's war in Ukraine, de-risking from China, and migration?

    On this episod...

  • What’s the outcome of the Greek parliamentary elections?

    A DEBRIEF WITH KATERINA SOKOU - What were the main takeaways from the second round of the Greek parliamentary elections? What were the key political cleavages driving Greek voters? What are the implications of these elections on the future of democracy in Greece? And how will the new government s...

  • Are we in a new era of globalization?

    A DEBRIEF WITH MORTEN BØDSKOV - How does the convergence of geopolitics, hard security, and technology—accelerated by Russia's illegal war in Ukraine and China’s challenges to the rules-based international order—impact Denmark and Europe's economic policies and outlook? From Denmark's point of vi...

  • How has Poland's support for Ukrainian refugees helped Ukraine's war effort?

    How has Poland's support for Ukrainian refugees helped Ukraine's war effort? What's the situation on the ground in Kyiv?

    On this special Warsaw Week episode of #AtlanticDebrief, Aaron Korewa sits down to discuss the humanitarian aspect of the war in Ukraine with Oksana Nechyporenko, Head of the...

  • Will transatlantic relations be on the ballot?

    WILL TRANSATLANTIC RELATIONS BE ON THE BALLOT? - As the 2024 presidential election season starts, will Europe and transatlantic relations become campaign issues? How have partisan positions on the United States' role in Europe and transatlantic relations evolved? And how have US domestic policies...

  • How has the war in Ukraine affected Poland's role in the EU?

    How can Poland elevate its voice in transatlantic institutions like NATO and the EU? How can the United States and Poland work together to support Ukraine? What should Poland's role be in the EU?

    On this special Warsaw Week episode of #AtlanticDebrief, Aaron Korewa sits down to discuss the impor...

  • What is the significance of the US-Poland bilateral relationship?

    WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE US-POLAND BILATERAL RELATIONSHIP? - What is the state of the US-Polish relationship today? What are the challenges and opportunities present in the bilateral relationship? In what ways has the Polish view towards defense and security shifted over the past 30 years?...