360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - EU DIGITAL SERVICES ACT, EXPLAINED (BY ITS DRAFTERS) - The European Commission has put forward the first-of-its-kind, comprehensive regulatory framework for governing digital services firmly based on the rule of law. The Digital Services Act proposal (DSA) aims to make the internet safer while protecting fundamental freedoms on which the EU and the US are founded. It provides for clear rules for content moderation online, transparency reporting, and oversight and preserves and clarifies the rules on liability intended to spur innovation. For this session, we are joined by the two leading drafters of the DSA, Prabhat Agarwal and Gerard de Graaf, to discuss the intent and content of the new regulation; the potential impact on citizens, businesses and online platforms around the world; and what it could mean for democracy and the future of technology.
Up Next in 360/Open Summit 2021: The World in Motion
Fireside chat | Radicalization: From ...
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - RADICALIZATION: FROM CONSPIRACY THEORIES TO VIOLENT EXTREMISM - How do social media users become enmeshed in conspiracy theories? In what circumstances do these conspiracy theories lead to further radicalization and, eventually, acts of violence? In this fir...
Panel | Fighting online extremism in ...
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - FIGHTING ONLINE EXTREMISM IN THE FUTURE - While the United States continues to navigate the fallout of the attack on the US Capitol, policymakers, law enforcement, and civil society groups have sought to confront the groups that participated and the conditio...
Lightning talk | India at a crossroad...
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - INDIA AT A CROSSROAD: SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY - A rapid uptick in usage of major social media platforms by locals has seen India emerge as one of the largest user bases of online denizens in recent years. The same period has also seen the emergence of a d...