360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - REMARKS FROM DANISH TECH AMBASSADOR ANNE MARIE LARSEN - Digital technology holds great potential for strengthening democracy and citizens’ engagement. New forms of mass movements and digital mobilization are invigorating democratic values at global scale. At the same time, digital technology also weakens core aspects of democracy and civic freedoms. States, multilateral organizations, and companies have a joint responsibility for using and regulating technology to the benefit of democracy and public interest. During this session, Denmark’s Tech Ambassador Anne Marie Engtoft Larsen will present the latest Tech for Democracy initiative launched by the Danish government, as well as Denmark’s broader efforts to work with allied institutions and civil society to support democracy and civic freedoms in the digital age.
Up Next in 360/Open Summit 2021: The World in Motion
Lightning talk | What’s old is new—fr...
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - WHAT’S OLD IS NEW—FROM ANALOG TO DIGITAL AND BACK AGAIN - The world is changing in profound ways. The last year and a half accelerated long-running trends shaking up institutions, shifting power, and placing all of us in the middle of a global re-ordering. T...
Lightning talk | A brief history: It'...
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - A BRIEF HISTORY: IT'S ALL (STILL) HAPPENING - A lot has changed in five years, and the field committed to countering influence operations and promoting a shared set of facts has a lot more knowledge, people, and resources to contribute. But we still have mor...
Panel | Ethics of OSINT research
360/OPEN SUMMIT: THE WORLD IN MOTION - ETHICS OF OSINT RESEARCH - OSINT researchers pride themselves on using open source tools to uncover unethical online practices like disinformation peddling and online harassment, but what happens when those same researchers engage in unsavory research method...